International Young Physicists’ Tournament(IYPT)全球青年物理学家锦标赛,也被称为“Physics World Cup(物理世界杯)”,是一个需要中学生组队参赛的科学学术活动。自1988年起,一年一度的IYPT从一个苏联地方性俄语的学术活动逐渐成长为一个全球最大最具声望的国际物理学术活动之一。参与者需分享展示他们准备了好几个月的科学问题解决方案,与其他团队一起研究辩论,这个形式成为Physics Fights(PF),并最终将由国际专家组成的评审团对Reporter展示者、Opponent竞争者以及Reviewer评审员等进行评分。
2018年第31届IYPT将在北京举行,由The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (RDFZ)中国人民大学附属中学举办。由于是国家级赛事且每个参赛国家仅只有一个团队代表,因此中国参赛队选拔将从China Young Physicists’ Tournament(CYPT)中国高中生物理创新学术活动中的优胜者组成。
CYPT全程参考IYPT举办的全国性赛事,旨在提高学生综合运用所学知识分析解决实际物理问题的能力,培养学生的开放性思维能力。2018年CYPT将由南开大学举办,参赛学生就一些实际物理问题进行团队合作研究,然后就其物理知识、理论分析、实验方案、结果讨论等进行辩论性比赛。不仅可以锻炼学生的科研素质, 还能培养学生的合作精神和交流表达能力,使学生的知识、能力和素质全面协调发展。重点是南开大学将对参加训练营的学生进行学科考核认定并颁发南开大学物理学科等级证书,获得A等级认定资格的同学若高考报考南开大学并被录取,在南开大学物理伯苓班(即南开大学物理拔尖学生培养试验计划)选拔时优先录取。
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每年由International Organizing Committee (IOC)国际组织委员会确认题目并确保不晚于10月发布。2018年官方发出共17题学术活动题目,原题为英文如下所示,翻译仅供参考:
Construct a simple seismograph that amplifies a local disturbance by mechanical, optical or electrical methods. Determine the typical response curve of your device and investigate the parameters of the damping constant. What is the maximum amplification that you can achieve?
If a coloured material is ground to a powder, in some cases the resulting powder may have a different colour to that of the original material. Investigate how the degree of grinding affects the apparent colour of the powder.
Take a strongly cooled bottle and put a coin on its neck. Over time you will hear a noise and see movements of the coin. Explain this phenomenon and investigate how the relevant parameters affect the dance.
Construct a Heron’s fountain and explain how it works. Investigate how the relevant parameters affect the height of the water jet.
When a drinking straw is placed in a glass of carbonated drink, it can rise up, sometimes toppling over the edge of the glass. Investigate and explain the motion of the straw and determine the conditions under which the straw will topple.
An oiled horizontal cylindrical shaft rotates around its axis at constant speed. Make a ring from a cardboard disc with the inner diameter roughly twice the diameter of the shaft and put the ring on the shaft. Depending on the tilt of the ring, it can travel along the shaft in either direction. Investigate the phenomenon.
Non-adhesive granular materials can be poured such that they form a cone-like pile. Investigate the parameters that affect the formation of the cone and the angle it makes with the ground.
A horizontal cylinder is partially filled with a viscous fluid. When the cylinder is rotated around its axis, unusual fluid behaviour can be observed, such as cusp-like shapes on the walls of the cylinder. Investigate the phenomenon.
Add some weight to a candle such that it barely floats in water. As the candle burns, it may continue to float. Investigate and explain this phenomenon.
A Tesla valve is a fixed-geometry, passive, one-direction valve. A Tesla valve offers a resistance to flow that is much greater in one direction compared to the other. Create such a Tesla valve and investigate its relevant parameters.
Fix one end of a horizontal elastic rod to a rigid stand. Support the other end of the rod with a taut string to avoid vertical deflection and suspend a bob from it on another string (see figure). In the resulting pendulum the radial oscillations (parallel to the rod) can spontaneously convert into azimuthal oscillations (perpendicular to the rod) and vice versa. Investigate the phenomenon.
Make a nickel disc that can rotate freely around its axis. Place a magnet near the edge of the disc and heat this side of it. The disc starts to rotate. Investigate the parameters affecting the rotation and optimize the design for a steady motion.
It is commonly known that an hourglass changes its weight (as measured by a scale) while flowing. Investigate this phenomenon.
When taking a picture of a glowing lantern at night, a number of rays emanating from the centre of the lantern may appear in the pictures. Explain and investigate this phenomenon.
When blowing on a soap film in a ring, a bubble may be formed. The liquid film may pop or continue to exist. Investigate how the number of bubbles produced from a single soap film and the characteristics of the bubbles depend on the relevant parameters.
Small objects can levitate in acoustic standing waves. Investigate the phenomenon. To what extent can you manipulate the objects?
The current craze of water bottle flipping involves launching a partially filled plastic bottle into the air so that it performs a somersault before landing on a horizontal surface in a stable, upright position. Investigate the phenomenon and determine the parameters that will result in a successful flip.
Authors: John Balcombe, Samuel Byland, Nikita Chernikov, Kent Hogan, Mihály Hömöstrei, Dina Izadi, Andrei Klishin, Frantisek Kundracik, Ilya Martchenko, Florian Ostermaier, Jelena Pajovic, Kerry Parker, Carmen Parton, Oksana Pshenichko, Igor Timoshchenko, Lise
Problem selection committee: John Balcombe, Samuel Byland, Ilya Martchenko
Epigraph selected by Evgeny Yunosov
The Winners’ Cup奖杯:决赛中胜出的队伍
1st place Certificates & Gold Medals第一名证书及金牌:所有参与决赛的队伍
2nd place Certificates & Silver Medals第二名证书及银牌:未参加决赛中排名前五的团队
3rd place Certificates & Bronze medals第三名证书及铜牌:所有完成决赛的学生排名前50%的团队
Certificates of Participation参与证书:所有剩余学生都将获得
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